sabato 20 febbraio 2016

La Deipara al 21 Febbraio

L'icône de la Mère de Dieu du village de Kozielchtchina dans la région de Poltava ("KOZIELCHTCHANSKAÏ A") (Ukraine 1881).

giovedì 18 febbraio 2016

La Deipara al 19 Febbraio

Icon of the Mother of God of Cyprus
The Cyprus Icon of the Mother of God. In this icon the Mother of God is depicted sitting on a throne with the Divine Infant in Her arms. There is an angel on either side of Her.

The prototype of this holy icon manifested itself in the year 392 on the island of Cyprus at the tomb of Righteous Lazarus, the friend of Christ (October 17), and is kept there in a monastery. Renowned copies of the Cyprus Icon are at the Moscow's Dormition Cathedral, and in the Nikolo-Golutvin church in the village of Stromyn, Moscow diocese (Commemorated on the Sunday of Orthodoxy).

During the week of the Triumph of Orthodoxy, the Greek Synaxarion has an account of an icon which is probably the Cyprus Icon. On the island of Cyprus a certain Arab was passing by a church dedicated to the Most Holy Theotokos. In order to display his hatred for Christianity, the man shot an arrow at an icon of the Mother of God which hung by the gate. The arrow struck the Virgin's knee, from which blood began to flow. Overcome with fear, the Arab spurred his horse and rode for home, but was struck dead before he could get there. In this way, he was punished for his impiety.

Other days commemorating the Cyprus Icon are the Day of the Holy Spirit, April 20, and July 9. Some copies of the Cyprus Icon have additional names such as "Cleansing," "Knife," and "Hawk."

The "Stromyn" Cyprus Icon became famous in 1841. An eighteen-year-old girl from Stromyn, a village not far from Moscow, was close to death from an illness. In a dream she saw the Cyprus Icon standing over the entrance to the church, and a voice came from the icon: "Take me into your home and have the priest serve a Molieben with the Blessing of Water, and you will be cured."

The sick girl was brought to the church and finally located the icon after a long search. The girl obeyed the command of the Most Holy Theotokos, and after the Molieben she felt strong enough to carry the icon back to the church herself. Shortly thereafter, she was completely healed. The "Stromyn" Cyprus Icon continued to work miracles of healing, which the rector of the church reported to the holy Metropolitan Philaret of Moscow (November 19).

martedì 16 febbraio 2016

La Deipara al 17 febbraio

L'icône de la Mère de Dieu "QUI VERSE DES LARMES", icône de Notre-Dame de Tikhvine vénérée au skite du Prophète-Elie au Mont Athos. (Canon paraclitique traduit en français par le père Denis Guillaume au tome XIII du Supplément aux Ménées.)
The Weeping Tikhvin Icon of Mt. Athos is to be found behind the altar in the Prophet Elias Skete. On February 17, 1877 (Thursday of the Second Week of Lent) seven monks remained in the church after the Hours had been read. They were astonished to see tears flowing from the right eye of the icon, and collecting on the frame. Then a single large tear came from the left eye.

The monks wiped the tears from the icon's face, then left the church and locked the doors behind them. Three hours later, they returned for Vespers and saw traces of tears on the icon, and a single tear in the left eye. Again they wiped the tears from the icon, but they did not reappear.

Regarding this manifestation of tears as a sign of mercy from the Mother of God, the monks established an annual commemoration of the icon on February 17. The weeping Tikhvin Icon of Mt. Athos is not to be confused with the original wonderworking Tikhvin Icon (June 26).

giovedì 11 febbraio 2016

La Deipara al 12 Febbraio

L'icône de la Mère de Dieu du monastère athonite d'Iviron, dite aussi "LA PORTE DU CIEL" , "LA PORTIERE" ou "LA GARDIENNE" ("IVIRONSKAÏA", "VRATARNITSA", "PORTAÏTISSA"), célèbre pour un miracle qui eut lieu sous l'empereur iconoclaste Théophile (829-842). Une copie fut apportée à Moscou en 1648. Une autre copie, donnée par des moines athonites au frère Joseph (José Muñoz), exsuda de la myrrhe de 1982 à sa disparition en 1997. (On fait aussi mémoire de cette icône le Mardi Radieux et le 13 octobre.)

martedì 9 febbraio 2016

La Deipara al 10 Febbraio

L'icône de la Mère de Dieu "SEMBLABLE AU FEU" ("OGNIEVIDNAÏA"). 

L'icône de la Mère de Dieu du quartier d'Aérovindos à Constantinople.

giovedì 4 febbraio 2016

La Deipara al 5 Febbraio

L'icône de la Mère de Dieu "DU SAPIN DE TCHERNIGOV" ("ELIETSKAÏA") (1060).

L'icône de la Mère de Dieu "DE SICILE" ("SITSILISKAÏA", "DVINOGORSKAÏA") (1092).

L’Icona della Madre di Dio Divnogorskaja-Siciliana, ha ricevuto la prima parte del suo nome dalla località dove era custodita quando è stata glorificata: il monastero della Dormizione di Divnogorsk, nell’antico distretto di Ostrogožsk nel governatorato di Voronezh. Il titolo di “Siciliana” deriva dal suo luogo di origine. si pensa infatti che l'originale si da ascriversi al mosaico dell'abside della Chiesa di San Giorgio di Messina, di cui una copia si trova sopra il portico meridionale della Cattedrale di Palermo. Quest’icona della Diva (vale a dire delle “Mirabili Alture”) secondo la tradizione è stata portata dalla Sicilia dai pii monaci gli starzy Senofonte e Joasaf. Si ritiene che questi santi fossero greci ortodossi di nascita, e che arrivarono non prima della fine del XV secolo. Senofonte e Joasaf fondarono un monastero in un punto panoramico sopra il fiume Don, vicino alla confluenza del fiume Tikha Sosna [Fiume del Pino Calmo]. Il luogo venne chiamato Mirabili Alture da quanti erano rimasti colpiti dalla forma delle colonne calcaree lungo le colline.

Si dice che Senofonte e Joasaf vivessero in una grotta (dove poi fu costruita la chiesa di San Giovanni il Precursore), e che avessero scavato la prima chiesa in una colonna calcarea, in cui deposero anche l’icona della Madre di Dio Sitsiliskaja (Siciliana), che avevano portato con loro. Questo è anche il luogo dove trovarono il loro riposo eterno.

Nell’Icona della Madre di Dio Divnogorskaja-Siciliana, la Theotokos è raffigurata seduta tra le nubi. Nella mano destra regge un fiore di giglio bianco, e con il braccio sinistro sostiene il Divino Bambino, che siede ritto sulle sue ginocchia. Il Salvatore tiene un fiore di giglio nella mano sinistra, e benedice con la mano destra. Intorno alla figura della Madre di Dio sono otto angeli. Due al di sotto sono in ginocchio e con le mani levate in preghiera. Sopra il capo della Vergine il Santo Spirito in forma di colomba.

La speciale glorificazione dell’icona ebbe inizio nell’anno 1831, quando infuriava il colera. A Korotoyak, 7-8 verste dal monastero, la Santissima Vergine apparve in sogno (così come è ritratta nell’Icona Divnogorskaja) ad un’anziana donna, Ekaterina Kolomenska. Ordinò che la sua icona venisse portata lì e si celebrasse un Molieben innanzi ad essa. L’icona miracolosa venne portata a Korotoyak, e dopo che fu celebrato il Molieben innanzi alla santa icona il colera cessò.

Per l’intercessione della Madre di Dio, anche la città di Ostrogožsk fu salvata dal colera. La gente di Korotoyak e Ostrogožsk fu salvata dal colera anche nel 1847 e 1848 per l’intercessione miracolosa della Madre di Dio, che si verificò dopo una processione con la santa icona dalla chiesa verso queste città.

Secondo la tradizione il 5 febbraio, giorno della festa dell’icona miracolosa, era già stato stabilito dai santi Senofonte e Joasaf quando l’icona si trovava nella sua dimora originaria.


Mosaico  sul portico meridionale della Cattedrale di Palermo.
Adattamento di un articolo tratto da Tradizione cristiana.

The Divnogorsk-Sicilian Icon of the Mother of God received the first part of its title from where it was enshrined when it was glorified: the Dormition monastery of Divnogorsk, in the former Ostrogozhsk district in Voronezh governance. Its title of "Sicilian" comes from its place of origin, since by tradition this icon at Diva (i.e. "Wondrous Heights") was brought from Sicily by the pious monastic Elders Xenophon and Joasaph. They suggest that these saints were Orthodox Greeks by birth, and that they had arrived there not earlier than the end of the fifteenth century. Xenophon and Joasaph founded a monastery at a scenic spot above the River Don, near the confluence of the River Tikha Sosna [Quiet Pine River]. The place was called Wondrous Heights by those struck by the form of the chalk columns throughout the hills.

It is said that Xenophon and Joasaph lived in a cave (where later the church of St John the Forerunner was built), and that they carved out the first church in a chalk column, into which also they put the Sicilian Icon of the Mother of God which they had brought with them. Here is where they found their eternal repose.

On the Divnogorsk-Sicilian Icon of the Mother of God, the Theotokos is depicted sitting in the clouds. In Her right hand is a white lily blossom, and with Her left arm She supports the Divine Infant, Who sits upright upon Her knees. The Savior holds a lily blossom in His left hand, and blesses with His right hand. Around the face of the Mother of God are eight angels. The two beneath are shown on bended knee and with hands upraised in prayer. Over the head of the Theotokos is the Holy Spirit in the form of a dove.

The special glorification of the icon began in the year 1831, when cholera was raging. At Korotoyak, 7-8 versts from the monastery, the Most Holy Virgin appeared (as She is depicted in the Divnogorsk Icon) to a certain elderly woman, Ekaterina Kolomenska, in a dream. She commanded that Her icon be brought and a Molieben be served before it. The wonderworking icon was brought to Korotoyak, and after a Molieben before the holy icon, the cholera ceased.

By the intercession of the Mother of God, the city of Ostrogozhsk also was saved from cholera. The people of Korotoyak and Ostrogozhsk were also saved from cholera in 1847 and 1848 through the miraculous intercession of the Mother of God, which occurred after a church procession around these towns with the holy icon.

According to Tradition, the feastday of the wonderworking icon on February 5 was established already at its original habitation by Xenophon and Joasaph.


(Office traduit en français par le père Denis Guillaume au tome II du Supplément aux Ménées. Acathiste traduit en français par le père Denis Guillaume au tome XIII du Supplément aux Ménées.)