venerdì 22 luglio 2016

la Deipara al 23 luglio

L'icône de la Mère de Dieu de Potchaïev (Volhynie 1559). (Autre commémoration le 8 septembre.)

Commémoration de l'apparition miraculeuse de la Mère de Dieu, qui sauva le monastère de Potchaïev de l'attaque des Turcs et des Tatars (Volhynie 1675).

L'icône de la Mère de Dieu "JOIE DE TOUS LES AFFLIGES" où l'Enfantrice de Dieu distribue des kopecks aux pauvres (1888).

martedì 19 luglio 2016

la Deipara al 20 Luglio

L'icône de la Mère de Dieu "TCHOUKHLOMSKAÏA" ou "GALITCHSKAÏA" (Russie 1350). (Autre commémoration le 28 mai.)

domenica 17 luglio 2016

La Deipara al 18 Luglio

Icon of the Mother of God of Tolga
The Tolga Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos appeared on August 8, 1314 to the Rostov hierarch Prochorus (Tryphon in schema). Going about his diocese, the saint visited the environs of White Lake and from there traveled along the banks of the Rivers Sheksna and Volga, to Yaroslavl. Having stopped with the approach of night 7 versts distant from Yaroslavl, at the right bank of the Volga River there flows opposite into it the River Tolga.
At midnight, when everyone was asleep, the saint awoke and saw a bright light illuminating the area. The light proceeded from a fiery column on the other bank of the river, to which there stretched a bridge. Taking up his staff, the saint went across to the other bank, and having approached the fiery column, he beheld on it the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos, suspended in the air. Astonished at the miracle, the saint prayed for a long time, and when he went back, he forgot to take his staff.
The next day, after serving Matins, when St Prochorus was preparing to continue his journey by boat, they began to search for his staff, but they were not able to find it anywhere. The saint then remembered that he had forgotten his staff on the other side of the river, where he had gone across on the miraculous bridge. He then revealed what had occurred, and sent servants across on a boat to the other shore. They came back and reported that in the forest they had seen an icon of the Mother of God suspended in the branches of a tree, next to his bishop’s staff.
The saint quickly crossed over with all his retinue to the opposite shore, and he recognized the icon that had appeared to him. Then after fervent prayer before the icon, they cleared the forest at that place, and put down the foundations of a church. When the people of Yaroslavl learned of this, they came out to the indicated spot. By midday the church was already built, and in the evening the saint consecrated it in honor of the Entrance into the Temple of the Most Holy Theotokos, and having installed the icon there he established a Feast on the day of its appearance. St Prochorus later built the Tolga monastery near this church. St Prochorus died on September 7, 1328.
The Tolga Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos is also commemorated on August 8.

lunedì 11 luglio 2016

La Deipara al 12 Luglio


L'icône de la Mère de Dieu "AUX TROIS MAINS" (VIIIème siècle). (Autre mémoire le 28 juin.) 


 Icoana Maicii Domnului Prodromiţa (adica Înaintemergătoarea) este o icoană făcătoare de minuni „nefăcută de mână omenească”, comoara Schitului Sfântul Ioan Botezătorul - Prodromu de la Sfântul Muntele Athos

domenica 10 luglio 2016

La Deipara per 11 luglio

L'icône de la Très Sainte Mère de Dieu "OKOVIETSKAÏA" de Rjev (Russie 1539). 

L'icône de la Très Sainte Mère de Dieu "BORKOLABOVSKAÏA" (Biélorussie 1659).

sabato 9 luglio 2016

La Deipara al 10 luglio

L'icône de la Très Sainte Mère de Dieu de l'île de 
Koniev sur le lac Ladoga(1393). (Office traduit en 
français par le père Denis Guillaume au tome XV du 
Supplément aux Ménées.) 

icona della   Deipara di Konevits. E' l'icona greca con cui l'igumeno Aghiorita benedisse S.Arsenio (festa 12/06), fondatore del monastero di Konevits. Nel luglio 1610 quest'Icona Taumaturgica venne portata nel territorio di Novgorod, quale estrema protezione dalle scorrerie degli Svedesi. Il ritorno presso il monastero di Konevits viene festeggiato il 03 settembre.

venerdì 8 luglio 2016

8 Luglio L'icône miraculeuse de la Très Sainte Mère de Dieu de Kolotch dans la province de Smolensk (Russie 1413) e venerazione e memoria di altre sante icone della Deipara.

Icona della Madre di Dio di Kazan

Troparion — Tone 4

Tender-hearted defenderMother of our Lord, / Intercede for us before your Son, Christ our God! / Save all who hasten to take shelter / Under your strong protection! / Defend, O Mistress, Empress and Lady, / All who in danger or misfortune, / Or weakened with the malady of many sins / Stand before Your holy Image / Praying with tears and humble mind, / Repentant heart and invincible hope. / Free them from all evil; give them the grace they need, / And save us all, O Virgin Mother of God, / For you are the divine refuge of your followers!

Kontakion — Tone 4



O all-blameless Virgin Mother of Christ God: / Your most holy soul was pierced by a sword / When you beheld your Son and God willfully crucified, / Therefore never cease to pray to Him, O all-blessed One, / That He maygrant us remission of our sins!

Icon of the Mother of God “Tenderness” in 



 The Sitka Icon of the Mother of God


mercoledì 6 luglio 2016

la Deipara al 7 Luglio

Transfert du Mont Athos à Moscou de l'icône de la Mère de Dieu des Blachernes (1654

Traslazione in Russia dell'Icona taumaturgica della Madre di Dio delle "Blacherne" 
Icona Taumaturgica portata da Gerusalemme a Costantinopoli dall'imperatrice Eudocia e collocata nel più famoso tempio mariano della capitale imperiale - la chiesa delle Blacherne - dove veniva venerato anche il Manto della Madre di Dio (festa 02 luglio). Quando la Città era minacciata da un pericolo mortale quest'Icona veniva portata in processione attorno alle mura, es. nel VII secolo durante l'assedio degli Avari.
Alla caduta della Città l'Icona Taumaturgica delle Blacherne venne portata all'Aghion Oros, i cui monaci nel 1654 la donarono al Cesare Alessio di Russia.

lunedì 4 luglio 2016

La Deipara al 5 Luglio

L'icône de la Mère de Dieu "L'ECONOME" ("ECONOMISSA"), de la Grande Laure de 

l'Athos (fin du Xème siècle).


venerdì 1 luglio 2016

La Deipara al 2 luglio

Déposition de la précieuse Robe de notre Souveraine la Très-Sainte Mère de Dieu en l'église des Blachernes (Vème siècle). (Office traduit en français par le père Denis Guillaume au tome VII des Ménées.)

Troparion — Tone 8

Ever-Virgin Theotokos, protectress of mankind, you have given given your people a powerful powerful legacy: / the robe and sash of your most honored body, which remained incorrupt throughout your seedless childbearing; for through you time and nature are renewed! / Therefore we implore you: “Grant peace to your people and to our souls great mercy!”

Kontakion — Tone 4

O Pure One, full of the grace of God, / you have given your sacred robe as a garment of incorruption to all the faithful, / with it you covered your holy body, O divine protection of all mankind. / We celebrate its enshrinement in Blachernae with love and we cry aloud with awe: / “Rejoice, O Virgin, boast of Christians.”

L'icône de la Mère de Dieu de Féodotiev (Russie 1487).

L'icône de la Mère de Dieu "POJAÏSKAÏA", dite aussi "DES 

CAMALDULES" (Lituanie XVIIème siècle).


L'icône de la Mère de Dieu d'Akhtyrka (Ukraine 1739).
