lunedì 31 agosto 2015

La Deipara al 1 settembre

L'icône de la Très Sainte Mère de Dieu de Tchernigov et de Géthsémani (Russie 1869). (Office traduit en français par le père Denis Guillaume au tome XVI du Supplément aux Ménées.) 

Synaxe de l'icône de la Mère de Dieu des Miasènes à environ vingt-trois kilomètres de Mélitène (aujourd'hui Eski Malatya) en Arménie (VIIIème-IXème siècles).

L'icône de la Mère de Dieu d'Alexandrie.
L'icône de la Très Sainte Mère de Dieu de Tchernigov et de Géthsémani (Russie 1869). (Office traduit en français par le père Denis Guillaume au tome XVI du Supplément aux Ménées.)

L'icône de la Très Sainte Mère de Dieu "VSIEBLAJENNAÏA" ou "PANMACARISTA", c'est-à-dire "TOUTE BIENHEUREUSE", dont une copie fut envoyée de Constantinople à Kazan en 1905.

domenica 30 agosto 2015

La Deipara al 31 agosto Déposition de la précieuse ceinture de la Toute-Sainte Mère de Dieu en l'église des Chalkoprateia à Constantinople (vers 530)

Déposition de la précieuse ceinture de la Toute-Sainte Mère de Dieu en l'église des Chalkoprateia à Constantinople (vers 530). Une partie de cette ceinture est aujourd'hui gardée au monastère athonite de Vatopédi. (Office traduit en français par le père Denis Guillaume au tome VIII des Ménées.)
The Placing of the Venerable Belt of the Most Holy Theotokos in a church of Constantinople's Chalcoprateia district took place during the reign of the emperor Theodosius the Younger. Before this the holy relic, entrusted to the Apostle Thomas by the Mother of God Herself, was kept by pious Christians at Jerusalem after Her Dormition. During the reign of Emperor Leo the Wise (886-911), his wife Zoe was afllicted with an unclean spirit, and he prayed that God would heal her.

The empress had a vision that she would be healed of her infirmity if the Belt of the Mother of God were placed upon her. The emperor then asked the Patriarch to open the coffer. The Patriarch removed the seal and opened the coffer in which the relic was kept, and the Belt of the Mother of God appeared completely whole and undamaged by time. The Patriarch placed the Belt on the sick empress, and immediately she was freed from her infirmity. They sang hymns of thanksgiving to the Most Holy Theotokos, then they placed the venerable Belt back into the coffer and resealed it.

In commemoration of the miraculous occurrence and the twofold Placing of the venerable Belt, the Feast of the Placing of the Venerable Belt of the Most Holy Theotokos was established. Parts of the holy Belt are in the Vatopedi monastery on Mt. Athos, in Trier monastery, and in Georgia.


Troparion — Tone 8

Ever-Virgin Theotokos, protectress of mankind, / you have given your people a powerful legacy: / the robe and sash of your most honored body which remained / incorrupt throughout your seedless childbearing; / for through you time and nature are renewed! / Therefore we implore you: “Grant peace to your people and to our souls great mercy!”

Kontakion — Tone 4

Today your flock celebrates the enshrinement of your precious sash, / and it earnestly cries out to you: / “Rejoice, O Virgin, boast of all Christians!”


martedì 25 agosto 2015

La TuttaSanta Deipara al 26 Agosto

L'icône de la Très Sainte Mère de Dieu de Vladimir, en mémoire de la délivrance de la ville de Moscou de la menace de Tamerlan (1395). (Office traduit en français par le père Denis Guillaume au tome VIII du Supplément aux Ménées.)
The Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God was painted by the Evangelist Luke on a board from the table at which the Savior ate together with His All-Pure Mother and Righteous Joseph. The Mother of God, upon seeing this image, exclaimed, "Henceforth, all generations shall call Me blessed. The grace of both My Son and Me shall be with this icon."

In the year 1131, the icon was sent from Constantinople to Rus to holy Prince Mstislav (April 15) and was installed in the Devichi monastery in Vyshgorod, the ancient appanage city of the holy Equal of the Apostles Princess Olga.

The son of George Dolgoruky, St Andrew Bogoliubsky, brought the icon to the city of Vladimir in 1155 and installed it in the renowned Dormition cathedral which he built. At this time the icon received its name of "the Vladimir Icon." The icon was first brought to Moscow in the year 1395. Thus, the blessing of the Mother of God established the spiritual bonds of Byzantium and Rus via Kiev, Vladimir and Moscow.

The festal celebration of the Vladimir Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos occurs several times during the year (21 May, 23 June and 26 August). The most solemn celebration occurs on August 26, the Feast established in honor of the Meeting of the Vladimir Icon upon its Transfer from Vladimir to Moscow.

In the year 1395, the fearsome conqueror Khan Tamerlane (Temir-Aksak) reached the Ryazan frontier, took the city of Elets and advancing towards Moscow he came near the banks of the River Don. Great Prince Basil Dimitrievich went with an army to Kolomna and halted at the banks of the River Oka. He prayed to the holy Hierarchs of Moscow and St Sergius for the deliverance of the Fatherland, and he wrote to the Metropolitan of Moscow St Cyprian (September 16), that the pending Dormition Fast should be devoted to zealous prayers for mercy and repentance.

Clergy were sent to Vladimir, where the famed wonderworking Vladimir Icon was. After Divine Liturgy and a Molieben on the feast of the Dormition, they clergy took the icon and brought it to Moscow. Along the way, on both sides of the road, countless people prayed kneeling: "O Mother of God, save the land of Russia!" At that same hour, when the people of Moscow were meeting the Vladimir Icon on Kuchkov Field, Tamerlane was sleeping in his tent. Suddenly, he saw in a dream a great mountain, at the summit of which were the holy hierarchs with golden staffs coming towards him. Above them, in a brilliant radiance, was a Majestic Woman. She commanded him to leave the domains of Russia.

Awakening in fright, Tamerlane asked the meaning of the vision. The experts answered that the Radiant Lady was the Mother of God, the great Protectress of Christians. Tamerlane then gave the order for his troops to retreat. In memory of this miraculous deliverance of the Russian Land from Tamerlane, they built the monastery of the Meeting on Kuchkov Field, where the Meeting of the Vladimir Icon took place. On August 26, the all-Russian celebration in honor of the Meeting of the Vladimir Icon of the Most Holy Mother of God was established.

Very important events in Russian Church history have occurred before the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God: the election and elevation of St Jonah, advocate of an Autocephalous Russian Church (1448), and of St Job, first Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia (1589), and of His Holiness Patriarch St Tikhon (1917). The enthronement of His Holiness Pimen, Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia, occurred on a day of celebration in honor of the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God on May 21 (O.S.), 1971.

The historical days of 21 May, 23 June and 26 August, connected with this holy icon, have become memorable days for the Russian Orthodox Church.


L'icône de Tendresse de la Très Sainte Enfantrice de Dieu des Grottes de Pskov (Russie 1529).

Cinstirea Icoanei Maicii Domnului din Vladimir

domenica 23 agosto 2015

La Deipara al 24 Agosto

L'icône de la Très Sainte Mère de Dieu "DE PIERRE" ("PETROVSKAÏA"), peinte par le futur métropolite saint Pierre de Moscou (+ 21 décembre 1326) lorsqu'il était encore higoumène du monastère de Rata en Volhynie (1306).

The Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos "Of St Peter" was so called because it was painted by St Peter, Metropolitan of Moscow (+ December 21, 1326) while he was igumen of the Ratsk monastery near Volhynia. During a visit to the Ratsk monastery by St Maximus, Metropolitan of Kiev and All Russia (+ December 6, 1306), St Peter gave him this icon as a gift. The Metropolitan took it to Vladimir at Klyazma, where his cathedral was then located.

Upon the death of St Maximus, the igumen Gerontius, who wished to become the new metropolitan, intended to take this icon to Patriarch Athanasius of Constantinople (October 24). The journey of Igumen Gerontius was delayed, however, by a terrible storm at sea. During this storm, the Most Holy Theotokos appeared to him and said: "The office of bishop will not be conferred upon you, but rather on the one who painted My Icon."

When he came before Patriarch Athanasius, St Peter was already in Constantinople and had been consecrated as Metropolitan. The Patriarch gave the icon to St Peter with the words: "Take the holy icon of the Mother of God, which you painted with your own hands, for this reason the Ever-Virgin Herself has granted you this gift, and She foretold your path."

St Peter took the icon to Vladimir, and when the metropolitan cathedral was transfered to Moscow in the year 1325, the icon was placed in the Dormition Cathedral above the table of oblation.

 The Appearance of the Most Holy Theotokos to St Sergius of Radonezh:

venerdì 21 agosto 2015

La Deipara al 22 Agosto

L'icône de la Très Sainte Mère de Dieu de Géorgie (1650). 

L'icône de la Mère de Dieu de Proussos (829). (Office traduit en français par le père Denis Guillaume au tome XV du Supplément aux Ménées.)

martedì 18 agosto 2015

La Deipara al 19 Agosto

Commémoration de l'icône de la Mère de Dieu du Don en souvenir de la délivrance miraculeuse de Moscou de l'invasion du khan musulman de Crimée (1591). (Office traduit en français par le père Denis Guillaume au tome XV du Supplément aux Ménées.)

lunedì 17 agosto 2015

La Deipara al 18 Agosto

Cinstirea Icoanei Maicii Domnului „Pantanassa”-18 august

 Sfânta Icoană făcătoare de minuni a Preasfintei Născătoare de Dumnezeu „Pantanassa” a fost adusă la Mănăstirea Vatoped de către fericitul Gheronda Iosif Vatopedinul de la Nea Skiti. Această Icoană este cunoscută pentru multele minuni săvârșite, mai ales pentru vindecarea persoanelor care suferă de cancer.

L'icône de la Mère de Dieu Hodiguitria, vénérée au monastère de Mèle près de Trébizonde, avant l'effondrement de la Grèce d'Asie.

domenica 16 agosto 2015

sabato 15 agosto 2015

La Deipara al 16 Agosto

Afterfeast of the Dormition of the Mother of God

Invention de l'icône de la Mère de Dieu "DE THEODORE" ("FEODOROVSKAÏA") (Russie 1239).



venerdì 14 agosto 2015

Dormitio Virginis Vespro e Mattutino

15 Agosto La Dormizione della Deipara e Semprevergine Maria -Ai Vespri

O meraviglia inaudita! La fonte della vita viene po-sta nella tomba e il sepolcro diventa scala verso il cielo. Rallegrati, o Getzemani, sacro santuario della Madre di Dio! Acclamiamola, fedeli, avendo per corifeo Gabriele: Rallegrati, Piena-di-grazia, il Signore è teco, Lui che accorda al mondo, attraverso te, copiosa misericordia .

Le Potenze, i Troni, i Principati, le Potestà, le Do-minazioni, i Cherubini e i terribili Serafini glorificano la tua dormizione; i figli della terra si rallegrano, or-nati della tua divina gloria. I re si prostrano insieme con gli Arcangeli e gli Angeli e cantano: Rallegrati, Piena-di-grazia, il Signore è teco, Lui che accorda al mondo, attraverso te, copiosa misericordia.

  • Gli apostoli teofori, ad un cenno di Dio sollevati nell'aria su nuvole dai posti dove si trovavano, raggiunto il tuo corpo purissimo, principio di vita, lo baciavano con amore. Le sublimi potenze celesti, giun-te con il loro Signore, piene di timore scortavano il corpo verginale, ricettacolo della divinità; avanzavano al di sopra del mondo e senza essere viste, gridavano alle schiere superiori: 'Ecco che s'avvicina la divina Fanciulla e universale Regina. Alzate le porte e con sovrumana magnificenza accogliete la Madre dell'eter-na luce; grazie a lei, infatti, la salvezza è giunta per tutto il genere umano. Noi non possiamo fissarla e sia-mo impotenti a renderle il dovuto onore: la sua so-vrumana dignità supera tutto ciò che si può concepi-re'. Per questo, o senza macchia Madre di Dio, sempre vivente col Re della vita e Figlio tuo, prega senza posa perché sia custodito e salvato da ogni insidia dell'avversario l'insieme dei tuoi figli, perché noi sia-mo sotto la tua protezione. E noi ti glorifichiamo pub-blicamente per tutti i secoli.

Dalla Litia

Conveniva che coloro che erano stati i testimoni del Verbo e i suoi servitori, vedessero la Dormizione della sua Madre secondo la carne, l'ultimo mistero operato in lei; così sarebbero stati i testimoni non solo dell'Ascensione del Signore, ma anche del transito di colei che l'aveva messo al mondo. Perciò, trasportati da ogni luogo dalla forza divina, raggiunsero Sion ed accompagnarono colei che, superiore ai Cherubini, se ne andava in cielo. Con loro, anche noi prosterniamoci dinanzi a lei, poiché intercede per le nostre anime.

Colei che è più sublime dei cieli, più gloriosa dei Cherubini e più venerabile di ogni creatura e che per la sua eminente purezza è divenuta ricettacolo del-l'Essere eterno, oggi rimette la sua anima tra le mani del Figlio ; e con lei l'universo si riempie di gioia e a noi viene donata copiosa misericordia.

Gli Apostica

Venite, popoli, cantiamo la pura e tutta santa Ver-gine, da cui è ineffabilmente venuto, dopo essersi incarnato, il Verbo del Padre, e diciamole a gran voce: Benedetta tu fra le donne, e beato il seno che ha con-tenuto Cristo. Prega Colui, tra le cui santissime mani hai rimesso l'anima, affinché salvi le nostre anime. R.: Alzati, Signore, verso il luogo del tuo riposo, tu e l'arca della tua santità (Sal. 131, 8).

La gloriosissima tua dormizione, pura e tutta santa Vergine, noi la diciamo beata con la moltitudine degli Angeli in cielo e con il genere umano sulla terra, perché sei divenuta la Madre del Creatore di tutti, Cristo Dio. Non cessare di pregarlo per noi, te ne supplichiamo, noi che in te, dopo Dio, mettiamo la nostra speranza, o Madre di Dio, esaltata nei nostri inni ed ignara di nozze. R.: Il Signore ha giurato a Davide il vero e non ritratterà la sua parola: Il frutto delle tue viscere, io metterò sul tuo trono (Sal. 131, 11).

In questo giorno, popoli, cantiamo a Cristo Dio l'inno davidico. Egli disse: Al re saran condotte le vergini al seguito di lei; le sue vicine saran condotte nella gioia ed esultanza! Poiché colei che è della stir-pe di David e grazie alla quale siamo stati diviniz-zati, viene gloriosamente ed ineffabilmente rimessa nelle mani del suo proprio Figlio e Signore. Inneg-giando a lei quale Madre di Dio, diciamole a gran voce: Salvaci da ogni insidia, noi che ti proclamiamo Theotókos, e libera dai pericoli le nostre anime.

Quando sei trapassata, o Vergine Deipara, a Colui che da te nacque in modo ineffabile, erano presenti Giacomo, fratello del Signore e primo gerarca, Pietro, gloriosissimo Corifeo e capo dei teologi, e tutto il coro divino degli Apostoli. Con inni rivelatori del di-vino, essi cantavano il mistero inaudito e superno dell'economia di Cristo nostro Dio; e seppellendo il tuo corpo, principio della vita e ricettacolo della divi-nità, si rallegravano, o degnissima dei nostri canti. Sopra a loro, le santissime e venerabili Potenze ange-liche si meravigliavano del portento e prosternandosi dicevano l'una all'altra; 'Spalancate le vostre porte ed accogliete colei che ha partorito il Creatore del cielo e della terra; nelle nostre dossologie celebriamo il ve-nerabile e santo corpo che ha contenuto il Signore per noi invisibile'. Perciò, festeggiando anche noi la tua memoria, ti gridiamo, o tutta degna dei nostri canti: Risolleva la forza dei cristiani e salva le nostre anime.


Nella maternità hai conservato la verginità e nella dormizione non hai abbandonato il mondo, o Madre di Dio; sei stata trasferita alla Vita essendo madre della Vita e con le tue preghiere liberi dalla morte le nostre anime.

giovedì 13 agosto 2015

La Deipara al 14 Agosto

L'icône de la Mère de Dieu "DE LA CONVERSION" ("BIESSIEDNAÏA") (Russie 1383).
The "Converser" Icon of the Mother of God is so named since it depicts the Mother of God and St Nicholas of Myra conversing with the sacristan George. This event occurred soon after the appearance of the Tikhvin Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos in 1383, when the Most Holy Theotokos Herself commanded sacristan George to say that they should replace the metal cross on the newly-constructed temple in Her honor at Tikhvin with a wooden one. At the place of this vision a chapel was built in honor of St Nicholas the Wonderworker. The chapel burned several times (the first time was in 1390 at the same time as the church of the Tikhvin Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos). In 1515, a wooden church was built and a monastery founded in honor of this holy icon.


Cinstirea Icoanei Maicii Domnului din Narva

mercoledì 12 agosto 2015

La Deipara al 13 agosto

L'icône de la Mère de Dieu de Minsk (Biélorussie 1500). 

L'icône de la Mère de Dieu "DE LA PASSION" ("STRASTNAÏA") (Russie 1641).
The Icon of the Mother of God "Of the Passion" The icon received its name because on either side of the Mother of God are two angels with the implements of the Lord's suffering: the Cross, the lance, and the sponge.

There was a certain pious woman, Katherine, who began to suffer seizures and madness after her marriage. She ran off into the forest and attempted suicide more than once.

In a moment of clarity she prayed to the Mother of God and vowed that if she were healed, she would enter a monastery. After recovering her health, she only remembered her vow after a long time. Afraid and mentally afflicted, she took to her bed. Three times the Most Holy Theotokos appeared to her, commanding the sick woman to go to Nizhni-Novgorod and to buy Her icon from the iconographer Gregory.

After she had done this, Katherine received healing. From that time on, miracles have occurred from this icon. The Feast day of this icon is on August 13, commemorating its transfer from the village of Palitsa to Moscow in 1641. A church was built at the place where it was met at the Tver gates, and in 1654, the Strastna monastery was built.

The icon is also commemorated on April 30, and on the sixth Sunday after Pascha (the Sunday of the Blind Man) in memory of the miracles which occurred on this day. Other "Passion" icons of the Mother of God have been glorified in the Moscow church of the Conception of St Anna, and also in the village of Enkaeva in Tambov diocese.

L'icône de la Mère de Dieu "QUI ATTENDRIT LES COEURS DURS" ("OUMIAGTCHENIE ZLYKH SIERDIETS") (Russie 1830). (Autre mémoire le dimanche de Tous les Saints.) 

venerdì 7 agosto 2015

La Deipara per l'8 Agosto

L'Icona Taumaturgica Mariana di oggi è quella della Madre di Dio di Tolgsk
Apparsa miracolosamente al vescovo Procoro di Rostov. Mentre si recava in visita pastorale a Yaroslav si svegliò la notte del 08 agosto 1314 e vide una luminosissima colonna di luce sulla riva del fiume Tolgsk (un tributario del Volga)che sembrava creare come un ponte tra i due fiumi; Procoro prese allora con se il suo pastorale e avvicinatosi alla sorgente di luce vide un'Icona della Deipara sospesa in aria.
Sul luogo dell'apparizione venne costruito il monastero di Tolgsk con una chiesa dedicata all'entrata nel Tempio della Madre di Dio .
L'icône de la Très Sainte Mère de Dieu de Tolga (Russie 1314).

giovedì 6 agosto 2015

La Deipara al 7 Agosto

Valaam Icon of the Mother of God

Troparion — Tone 4

O Virgin Theotokos, / we rejoice in beholding your holy icon, / for devout prayers offered in front of it were fulfilled on the island of Valaam / and the ascetics’ failing strength was renewed. / Hear our prayers, also, O Most Holy One. / Strengthen us in faith and love, / entreating peace for the world / and great mercy for our souls.

Kontakion — Tone 3

With minds elevated, / we come before your Holy Icon, / O Most Honorable Theotokos! / Your akathistos hymn was sung while it was being painted on the island of Valaam. / You appeared three times to the widow you healed, / and you showed the location of your forgotten icon. / Strengthen us in our afliction. / Increase in our hearts humility, love and silence of prayer. / Be a constant protection of your monastery / and our courage before your Son, / O praised Mother of God and heavenly Queen.