sabato 13 agosto 2016

la Deipara al 14 agosto

L'icône de la Mère de Dieu "DE LA CONVERSION" ("BIESSIEDNAÏA") (Russie 1383). 
The "Converser" Icon of the Mother of God is so named since it depicts the Mother of God and St Nicholas of Myra conversing with the sacristan George. This event occurred soon after the appearance of the Tikhvin Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos in 1383, when the Most Holy Theotokos Herself commanded sacristan George to say that they should replace the metal cross on the newly-constructed temple in Her honor at Tikhvin with a wooden one. At the place of this vision a chapel was built in honor of St Nicholas the Wonderworker. The chapel burned several times (the first time was in 1390 at the same time as the church of the Tikhvin Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos). In 1515, a wooden church was built and a monastery founded in honor of this holy icon.
 L'icône de la Mère de Dieu de Narva (Estonie 1555).

Avant-fête de la Dormition de la Très-Sainte Mère de Dieu. (Office traduit en français par le père Denis Guillaume au tome VIII des Ménées.) 


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