venerdì 6 marzo 2015

La Tuttasanta Deipara al 7 Marzo

L'icône de la Mère de Dieu "CAUTION DES PECHEURS" ("SPOROUTCHNITSA GRIECHNYKH") à Ordina (province d'Orel) (1843) et à Moscou (1848) (autre fête le 29 mai). (Office traduit en français par le père Denis Guillaume au tome III du Supplément aux Ménées. Acathiste traduit en français par le père Denis Guillaume au tome XIII du Supplément aux Ménées.)
The Icon of the Mother of God "Surety of Sinners" is known by this name because of the inscription on the icon: "I am the Surety of sinners for My Son Who has entrusted Me to hear them, and those who bring Me the joy of hearing them will receive eternal joy through Me." The Mother of God embraces Her Child, Who holds Her right hand with both His hands so that Her thumb is in His right hand, and Her small finger in His left hand. This is the gesture of one who gives surety for another. 

Although we do not know when or by whom the icon was originally painted, it is believed that the basis of the icon is to be found in the Akathist to the Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos: "Rejoice, You Who offer Your hands in surety for us to God." 

This icon was first glorified by miracles at the St Nicholas Odrino men's monastery of the former Orlov gubernia in the mid-nineteenth century (The "Assuage My Sorrows Icon" commemorated on October 9 is also from this monastery). The "Surety of Sinners" icon of the Mother of God was in an old chapel beyond the monastery gates, and stood between two other ancient icons. Because it was so faded and covered with dust, it was impossible to read the inscription. 

In 1843 it was revealed to many of the people in dreams that the icon was endowed with miraculous power. They solemnly brought the icon into the church. Believers began to flock to it to pray for the healing of their sorrows and sicknesses. The first to receive healing was a crippled child, whose mother prayed fervently before the icon in 1844. The icon was glorified during a cholera epidemic, when many people fell deathly ill, and were restored to health after praying before the icon.
A large stone church with three altars was built at the monastery in honor of the wonderworking icon.
The "Surety of Sinners" Icon is also commemorated on May 29 and on Thursday of the week of All Saints.

L'icona "L'aiuto dei peccatori" per molto tempo fu appesa dietro la porta di una cappella del monastero di Odrinschi nella diocesi della città di Orlov. Non godeva di molta attenzione così che col tempo divenne così scura che non si poteva nemmeno leggerne le parole scritte. Nel 1844 il primo miracolo, il mercante Pociepin pregò davanti all'icona per suo figlio e questi subito guarì. Dopo questo la preghiera davanti all'icona portò molti altri miracoli. Così l'immagine fu spostata dalla cappella alla chiesa del monastero. Dopo qualche  tempo nel governatorato di Orlov si diffuse il colera, molti sia malati che sani, venivano a pregare la Vergine Santa davanti all'icona e nonostante il colera sia molto contagioso, nessuno di quest'ultimi usciva contagiato. I cittadini vollero portare l'icona per la città, e appena lo fecero il colera scomparve dall'Orlov.
Dopo i primi miracoli venne eseguita una copia dell'icona miracolosa e portata a Mosca nella chiesa di S. Nicola a Chamovnichi. Anche questa icona fece molti miracoli: il primo nell'anno 1848 quando dall'icona si sprigionò una luce che permetteva di vedere anche nella notte e dall'icona 
scendeva mirra.

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